[AIMU] Personal License Agreement Version 2.0.0, 2024 Copyright (c) 2024 aimu.app All rights reserved. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE This Personal License Agreement ("License") is granted to a single user only for use on one specified domain. Each user must obtain their own license to use the Software. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1. "Software" means the AIMU software and associated documentation 2.2. "Personal Use" means non-commercial use by an individual 2.3. "Domain" means the single web domain specified at time of purchase 3. PERMITTED USE 3.1. You may: - Use the Software for personal, non-commercial purposes - Install the Software on your personal devices - Deploy the Software on one specified domain (including its subdomains) - Use localhost or development domains for testing purposes - Receive updates and bug fixes as released 3.2. Personal use includes: - Individual usage - Educational purposes - Non-profit activities - Personal projects without monetary gain - Personal blogs or websites without advertising revenue 4. RESTRICTIONS 4.1. Domain Restrictions: - Each license is valid for one domain only - Domain must be specified at time of purchase - Changing domains requires prior authorization 4.2. General Restrictions: You may not: - Use the Software for any commercial purpose - Deploy the Software on multiple domains - Modify, adapt, or create derivative works - Distribute, sell, rent, lease, or sublicense the Software - Remove or modify any copyright notices - Use the Software in any way that violates applicable laws - Transfer your license to another person 5. OWNERSHIP The Software is owned and copyrighted by aimu.app. Your license confers no title or ownership in the Software. 6. TERM 6.1. This License is effective until terminated 6.2. License will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any terms 6.3. Upon termination, you must cease all use of the Software 7. NO WARRANTY THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 8. SUPPORT AND UPDATES 8.1. Basic technical support is provided 8.2. Support provided via admin@aimu.app 8.3. Free updates within the same major version 9. PRICING AND PAYMENT 9.1. License fee: $20 USD 9.2. Payment must be made in full before use 10. REFUND POLICY 10.1. 7-day money-back guarantee if unsatisfied 10.2. No refund for violation of license terms 11. DOMAIN CHANGES 11.1. Domain changes must be requested via admin@aimu.app 11.2. Limited to one domain change per license 11.3. Domain changes are subject to approval By using the Software, you acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. Contact: admin@aimu.app